Avatar and Star Trek sequels

Zoe Saldana talks Avatar and Star Trek sequels

By David Bentley on Aug 14, 11 04:28 PM
Zoe Saldana at Star Trek premiere.jpgZOE SALDANA has indicated that production might start next year on the sequels to James Cameron's 2009 sci-fi blockbuster Avatar.
Cameron has previously said he plans to film Avatar 2 and 3 back to back, for release in December 2014 and December 2015 respectively.
Saldana, who played blue-skinned alien Neytiri, told MTV: "I heard that we might go next year so I'm really psyched. I'm keeping my bags packed. I would do anything for that man and for that project, so I'm waiting."
The actress is also on standby for production to start on J.J. Abrams' Star Trek sequel, and says she is hoping for to see the romance develop between her character Uhura and Zachary Quinto's Mr Spock.
"I'm not a mushy person, but for some reason I kind of want Spock and Uhura to get it on. You really want to see more of that love affair," she said.
And she added her thoughts about the other characters: "Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) should definitely take off his shirt, along with Sulu (John Cho). And I think Uhura should kick some ass."
Abrams said earlier this month that the script for Star Trek 2 was not finished and he had not yet signed on to return as director. The release date of June 29, 2012, was given to G.I. Joe 2 when it became obvious Star Trek 2 would not be ready in time.