Liveprayer's Keller Calls for Boycott of TBN, Hagee, and Barton for Supporting Mormon Beck's Israel Scam
Contact: William Keller,,,
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., August 22, 2011 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bill Keller (photo), leader of the world's largest interactive Christian website for 12 years,, with over 2.4 million subscribers worldwide reading his Daily Devotional, is calling for a boycott of Christian TV network TBN, along with Pastor John Hagee and David Barton, for supporting the efforts a Mormon cult member Glenn Beck in his latest SCAM on the Christian community.
Beck, a member of the satanic Mormon cult, is currently in Israel holding several public events under the guise of "standing with Israel," when in fact these are simply huge money making opportunities for his media business by conning people, mostly Christians, into sending him donations, buying merchandise, and subscriptions to his new "GBTV" webcasts that became necessary after he was forced off FOX news.
Keller stated, "It is sad to see the largest Christian TV network and several supposed Christian leaders become modern day Judas' by giving credibility to the proud member of a satanic cult who is exploiting the love Christians have for the Jewish people and the land of Israel. Keller went on, "the Bible says that we are not to be bound together with unbelievers. It asks what fellowship the light has with the darkness?"
Keller, an outspoken Christian evangelist who has for decades publicly taken on the Mormon cult, specifically Presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and media giant Beck. Keller holds the Biblical position that Mormon doctrine is 100% inconsistent with Biblical Christianity and that a Mormon is no more a Christian than a Muslim is. He shared that the Jewish people are a natural target for Beck since a lie of his Mormon cult is that they are direct descendants from the House of Israel.
Keller went on to say that Mormon cult member Beck has morphed his media conglomerate from sharing a conservative political ideology which is in business with many tea party groups, into a quasi-spiritual movement that makes him tens of millions of dollars by brainwashing a mostly Biblically illiterate Christian community who has bought into the lie that Mormonism is another strand of Christianity.
To help perpetuate the lie that Beck is a Christian, he has bought off high profile Christians like David Barton, Pastor John Hagee, TBN, and others who are more than willing to sell out the faith to stand next to Beck for whatever exposure and monetary gain they can achieve. Rather than challenge Beck that the "god" and "jesus" of the Mormon cult are NOT the God and Jesus of the Bible, they are silent, helping Beck perpetrate his spiritual fraud.
Keller said, "In this day where the vast percentage of the past two generations have never been to church, and the majority who do attend are either in liberal denominations or churches using man-made seeker/purpose driven/emerging /prosperity marketing strategies designed to put warm bodies in the seats, Beck is helping to lead many innocent souls into the lies of his Mormon cult and their souls to hell."
Keller concluded, "I have challenged Beck for years to tell the truth about what his Mormon cult believes. He doesn't have the guts to talk to me on air since his 'business' depends on making Biblically illiterate Christians think he is a Christian. Sadly, unknowing people who are hurting and spiritually void, will fall into the lies of Beck's cult and their souls in hell with the help of TBN, Hagee, Barton, and others who stand with him."
About Live Prayer: In 1999 Bill Keller launched It has gone on to become the most successful online faith ministries in the history of the internet. Each morning for 12 years, Bill Keller's Daily Devotional has been emailed to over 2.4 million subscribers worldwide. Information on Liveprayer is available at